SADEV - institutet för utvärdering av internationellt utvecklingssamarbete - har granskat det partianknutna biståndet i tre länder.
Läs hela rapporten:
Partianknutet bistånd syftar till att stärka demokratin i berörda länder.
Granskningen visar dock att Vänsterpartiets biståndsorganisation, Vänsterns internationella forum har idkat demokratibistånd i Colombia. Där gick biståndet till det oreformerade marxist-leninistiska partiets träningsläger.
Vänsterpartiet är inte längre kommunistiskt på pappret, men i realiteten har de inga betänkligheter för att sponsra extremkommunister.
"VIF – Colombian Communist Party38
The persecution against the leadership and members of the Colombian Communist Party has affected the party both financially and as an organisation. VIF finds the continued existence of the party important for political pluralism. The project objective is to strengthen the Colombian Communist Party with respect to organisation, education of cadres, and policy formulation, including education of party members and strengthening the party’s youth work as well as its work in defending human rights.
VIF provided financial support that was used for the training of party members and leaders (a youth association national school, a seminar for political updating, a basic party school and preparation of study materials), transport and accommodation for 60 dele-gates and purchase of materials for party conference, publicity for election campaign in four councils, two publications (1000 copies each) for promotion of human rights and peace, and humanitarian support (soap, shampoo, underwear) to 70 prisoners.
The cooperation has thus contributed to a continued existence of the Colombian Communist Party by, inter alia, enabling more persons to participate in training and congresses and by having contributed to the election of its candidates to public offices. The impacts of the human rights and peace activities have not been possible to assess."
Läs hela rapporten:
Partianknutet bistånd syftar till att stärka demokratin i berörda länder.
Granskningen visar dock att Vänsterpartiets biståndsorganisation, Vänsterns internationella forum har idkat demokratibistånd i Colombia. Där gick biståndet till det oreformerade marxist-leninistiska partiets träningsläger.
Vänsterpartiet är inte längre kommunistiskt på pappret, men i realiteten har de inga betänkligheter för att sponsra extremkommunister.
"VIF – Colombian Communist Party38
The persecution against the leadership and members of the Colombian Communist Party has affected the party both financially and as an organisation. VIF finds the continued existence of the party important for political pluralism. The project objective is to strengthen the Colombian Communist Party with respect to organisation, education of cadres, and policy formulation, including education of party members and strengthening the party’s youth work as well as its work in defending human rights.
VIF provided financial support that was used for the training of party members and leaders (a youth association national school, a seminar for political updating, a basic party school and preparation of study materials), transport and accommodation for 60 dele-gates and purchase of materials for party conference, publicity for election campaign in four councils, two publications (1000 copies each) for promotion of human rights and peace, and humanitarian support (soap, shampoo, underwear) to 70 prisoners.
The cooperation has thus contributed to a continued existence of the Colombian Communist Party by, inter alia, enabling more persons to participate in training and congresses and by having contributed to the election of its candidates to public offices. The impacts of the human rights and peace activities have not been possible to assess."