Den av RMC förordade vägen är redan testad på annat håll, med känt resultat.Secrist skrev: fattar ni inte att industrin INTE är den gren där det finns arbeten i framtiden.
Fel. Såvida inte våra framtida regeringar skiter i industrin så kommer svensk industri fortsatt att vara en viktig del av svensk ekonomi och då behövs arbetskraft. Däremot så sjunker behovet av lågutbildad personal eftersom de enkla jobbet blir allt mer sällsynta.
För övrigt så platsar ju knappast programledare och twittrare in på din framtidsbeskrivning.
Let’s look now at the kind of jobs that were created. Of the new jobs reported by BLS, 92% are in services. Of this 92%, only 7% could possibly relate to exportable services—architectural, engineering, and computer systems services.
Of the reported new service jobs, 29% are in health care and social services. The categories that account for the health services jobs are ambulatory health care services and hospitals. Waitresses and bartenders account for 20% of the reported new jobs.
Employment services account for 29% of the new reported jobs. Transportation and warehousing accounted for 5% of the reported new jobs, despite a loss of 60,000 jobs in general merchandise and department stores.
In other words, the vast majority of the new jobs are low paying jobs, except for a few truck drivers.
Other conclusions that we can draw are:
The US has nothing to export to reduce its massive trade deficit, which has, sooner or later, disastrous implications for the US dollar.
Middle class income jobs are declining, with polarization at the two extremes.
US economic policy continues to focus on the mega-rich at the expense of 99% of the population. US interest rates are kept at, or near to, zero in order to maximize mega-bank earnings, while depriving tens of millions of retired Americans of interest income on their lifetime savings, forcing them to spend their capital in order to live, thus depriving their heavily indebted children of inheritance.
Framtidsjobben ligger inom tjänstesektorn, omsorgssektorn, itsektorn media osv. / RMC
Den framtiden (the vast majority of the new jobs are low paying jobs) önskar jag inte våra efterkommande.