RedMentalCase 2013-01-08, 16:41
F.I.S.T skrev: RedMentalCase skrev:Kommunister nazister, samma äckel sprungna ur samma vrickade tankemönster, våld konfrontrationer och extremism.
Det är naturligtvis ingen slump att de flesta av dessa typer vacklade flera ggr mellan ideologierna, exemplen är fler än motsatsen.
Goebbels exempelvis, var övertygad socialist strax innan han förfördes av Hitlers ideer.
Köp mer munvatten, foliet.
exztremism är att förvränga historien och fakta som du gör.... jo just det , det var så Hitler kom till makten oxå
Alla vet att du är en av de största jubelidioter som någonsin gått på detta klot så vad du tycker i sakfrågor är inte värt nånting .
Like others who were later prominent in the Third Reich, Goebbels came into contact with the Nazi Party in 1923, during the campaign of resistance to the French occupation of the Ruhr. Hitler’s imprisonment following the failed November 1923 "Beer Hall Putsch" left the party temporarily leaderless, and when the 27-year-old Goebbels joined the party in late 1924 the most important influence on his political development was Gregor Strasser, who became Nazi organizer in northern Germany in March 1924. Strasser ("the most able of the leading Nazis" of this period)[20] took the "socialist" component of National Socialism far more seriously than did Hitler and other members of the Bavarian leadership of the party.
"National and socialist! What goes first, and what comes afterwards?" Goebbels asked rhetorically in a debate with Theodor Vahlen, Gauleiter (regional party head) of Pomerania, in the Rhineland party newspaper National-sozialistische Briefe (National-Socialist Letters), of which he was editor, in mid-1925. "With us in the west, there can be no doubt. First socialist redemption, then comes national liberation like a whirlwind… Hitler stands between both opinions, but he is on his way to coming over to us completely."[21] Goebbels, with his journalistic skills, thus soon became a key ally of Strasser in his struggle with the Bavarians over the party program. The conflict was not, so they thought, with Hitler, but with his lieutenants, Rudolf Hess, Julius Streicher and Hermann Esser, who, they said, were mismanaging the party in Hitler’s absence. In 1925, Goebbels published an open letter to "my friends of the left," urging unity between socialists and Nazis against the capitalists. "You and I," he wrote, "we are fighting one another although we are not really enemies."[22]Häromveckan gick också en utmärkt dokumentär på SVT om just nazismen och där beskrevs hur många ( bland annat Goebbels) gick från socialismen till nazismen, utan några större våndor och besvär.
Nazismen, en fusion av 2 väldigt mörka rörelser, fortfarande efter 90 år klarar inte socialskiterna i Sverige av att erkänna broderskapet, tragiska nollor.
Senast ändrad av RedMentalCase den 2013-01-08, 16:54, ändrad totalt 3 gånger